Winter Driving Tips
Be sure to follow these simple steps when winter driving.
Be sure to follow these simple steps when winter driving.
January 25th, 2020 , The Ridgeway Volunteer Fire Co. and the Ladies Auxiliary had their annual banquet. The night was filled with jokes, warm smiles and laughter by many. This is a special night where we swear in our new officers of 2020 and recognize everyone for their contributions in 2019. After our dinner,…
Its that time again! Our Money raffle tickets are available! Donation of $5 per ticket. Only 1000 tickets sold and you dont need to be present to win! See any of your Ridgeway members to get yours! Drawing will be held on February 16th at our gun show. Prizes are as follows $750.00 $500.00 $300.00…
PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Ridgeway Volunteer Fire Co Will be holding a public hearing to discuss the purchase of a new fire truck. It will be held at the Ridgeway Volunteer Fire Company, 11392 Ridge Rd Medina, NY on December 17th at 6pm.
Please Join us in November 4th 9am-2pm for our annual Vendor Blender & Basket Raffle! This event will take place at the Ridgeway Volunteer Fire Company Rec hall – 11392 Ridge Rd Medina NY 14103 -If you are interested in being a vendor or would like to donate a basket, Contact Kristin at 585 278…
January 30, 2012 SOURCE: The Daily News – Batavia Earl Canham remembers the summer day in 1951 when he and his brother-in-law were spraying orchards on their Townline Road farm. Looking toward Ridge Road they spotted smoke and knew something was wrong. “We drove our equipment to the Ridge and found a house on fire,”…