Ridgeway Volunteer Fire Co. 2022 Spring Gun & Cash Raffle
Tickets for our spring gun and money raffle are available! Please see a member to purchase your tickets! Tickets are $25 each. There is an early bird drawing on $100 that will be drawn April 24th, you must have your tickets purchased by April 24th to have a chance at the early bird drawing. If you do not know a member please visit out facebook page “Ridgeway Volunteer Fire Company” or email us at ridgewayfiredept@rochester.rr.com. This years raffle will be virtual like last year. The event will be streamed live on our facebook page – Ridgeway Volunteer Fire Company. http://www.facebook.com/groups/316608378755/
****Guns and Bows furnished by Advantage Arms. Need not be present to win. Prizes subject to change without notice due to availability. only 700 tickets sold.