Fire prevention happens all year long
Here are some seasonal topics that you can use to keep fire prevention top of mind all year round. Resources for all these topics can be found at
Here are some seasonal topics that you can use to keep fire prevention top of mind all year round. Resources for all these topics can be found at
Come join us for our drive thru trick or treat event! Its just as it sounds, drive up to the Fire Hall and we will be there happily giving out some goodies! While your safety is our #1 priority, we will be following proper health and safety guidelines to make sure everyone is happy and…
It all started with a wish. Timmy, a little boy from the Buffalo region, was a child battling cancer when he wished to thank the first responders of 9/11. So Make-A-Wish sent him and his family to New York City, and were able to work with the New York City fire departments to be sworn…
What is a Chimney Sweep? When we hear the words chimney sweep, we may think of a soot-faced character out of a Dickens novel or a jolly dancer from Mary Poppins. Chimney sweeps were indeed common back in the days when cooking and heating were all done over a fire. And back then, chimney…
Take extra caution when driving through hazardous conditions. Give yourself extra time to get to your destination and drive safe! -your Ridgeway Fire Co. family
Tickets for our spring gun and money raffle are available! Please see a member to purchase your tickets! Tickets are $25 each. There is an early bird drawing on $100 that will be drawn April 24th, you must have your tickets purchased by April 24th to have a chance at the early bird drawing. If…