Fall Gun and Money Raffle October 13, 2019 1-5pm
Contact any member to purchase tickets. Don’t know any members? Call Charlie at 585-798-4055 for tickets.
Contact any member to purchase tickets. Don’t know any members? Call Charlie at 585-798-4055 for tickets.
January 30, 2012 SOURCE: The Daily News – Batavia Earl Canham remembers the summer day in 1951 when he and his brother-in-law were spraying orchards on their Townline Road farm. Looking toward Ridge Road they spotted smoke and knew something was wrong. “We drove our equipment to the Ridge and found a house on fire,”…
Fire Prevention Week is October 9th – 15th. How prepared are you and your family for a fire emergency? Take a fire safety quiz here Download Family Safety Checklist Home Fire Plan Escape
Tickets for our spring gun and money raffle are available! Please see a member to purchase your tickets! Tickets are $25 each. There is an early bird drawing on $100 that will be drawn April 24th, you must have your tickets purchased by April 24th to have a chance at the early bird drawing. If…
We will be hosting a Responsible Server training on November 14th 2019 at 7pm. This class is administered by GCASA. It will be held at our Ridge Rd location, most likely in our lounge. Responsible Server Training (RST) is a New York State Liquor Authority-certified program designed to teach anyone who sells or serves alcoholic…
January 25th, 2020 , The Ridgeway Volunteer Fire Co. and the Ladies Auxiliary had their annual banquet. The night was filled with jokes, warm smiles and laughter by many. This is a special night where we swear in our new officers of 2020 and recognize everyone for their contributions in 2019. After our dinner,…
What is a Chimney Sweep? When we hear the words chimney sweep, we may think of a soot-faced character out of a Dickens novel or a jolly dancer from Mary Poppins. Chimney sweeps were indeed common back in the days when cooking and heating were all done over a fire. And back then, chimney…