Ridgeway Fire Department

Responsible Server Training

We will be hosting a Responsible Server training on November 14th 2019 at 7pm. This class is administered by GCASA. It will be held at our Ridge Rd location, most likely in our lounge.  Responsible Server Training (RST) is a New York State Liquor Authority-certified program designed to teach anyone who sells or serves alcoholic…

make A Wish

Make-A-Wish Boot Drive

Members from East Shelby, Shelby, Lyndonville and Ridgeway Fire Companies are teaming up today to collect donations for the Make-A-Wish foundation. The fire companies will be out Today, Sept. 7 2019 between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. at Routes 63 and 31A in Medina and Routes 63 and 104 in Ridgeway collecting money. 

Ridgeway Fire

Filling the boot :Four Orleans County fire departments teaming up to support Make-A-Wish

It all started with a wish. Timmy, a little boy from the Buffalo region, was a child battling cancer when he wished to thank the first responders of 9/11. So Make-A-Wish sent him and his family to New York City, and were able to work with the New York City fire departments to be sworn…