Responsible Server Training
We will be hosting a Responsible Server training on November 14th 2019 at 7pm. This class is administered by GCASA. It will be held at our Ridge Rd location, most likely in our lounge.
Responsible Server Training (RST) is a New York State Liquor Authority-certified program designed to teach anyone who sells or serves alcoholic beverages about how to sell or serve responsibly. RST is considered an environmental strategy. When bartenders or store clerks know how to properly check ID’s, how alcohol affects the brain, signs that a person may be underage, and how behavioral indicators can be used to assess a potential customer, it results in fewer people leaving bars intoxicated, fewer underage youth consuming alcohol, fewer arrests, and more people and property remaining safe.
This training is open to the public. To sign up, contact April Fearby 1(585) 735-6016. Seats are limited.