
We have a mutual aid agreement for Orleans County and adjoining counties. We provide mutual aid to the following Fire Departments and villages, hamlets and towns:

Jurisdictions Served

Orleans County

Niagara County

Genesee County


Medina FD

Middleport FD

Alabama FD

Knowlesville, NY

Shelby FD

Barker FD

Oakfield FD

Jeddo, NY

East Shelby FD

Wilson FD

Indian Falls FD

Oak Orchard, NY

Lyndonville FD

Hartland FD

Pembroke FD

Ridgeway, NY

Carleton FD

Olcott FD

Batavia FD

Albion FD

Barre FD

Kendall FD

Morton FD

Hulberton FD

Holley FD

Clarendon FD

Response Data

Average First Due Response Time

Fire & Rescue:

5 minutes

EMS Transport Units

6 minutes

Radio Frequencies

Main Dispatch


Additional Frequency


Fireground Operations 1


EMS Operations
