2022 Money Raffle!

2022 Money Raffle!

Please not that this is NOT an in person event. The drawing will occur after our members meeting on Aug. 10 2022, and you will be contacted if you are a winner:) $5 per ticket. Contact a member or Email ridgewayfiredept@rochester.rr.com to get yours. (This Email is monitored Daily). Payment can be accepted via Venmo,…

Smoke Alarm Maintenance and Testing

Smoke Alarm Maintenance and Testing

What should I know about Smoke Alarms? The primary thing you should know about smoke alarms is that there are two basic types: Ionization and photoelectric smoke alarms. Ionization Smoke Alarms are able to quickly detect fast moving fires. Think of a candle catching a curtain on fire- it happens quickly. A Photoelectric Smoke Alarm is quicker in…

Trick or Treat!

Trick or Treat!

Come join us for our drive thru trick or treat event! Its just as it sounds, drive up to the Fire Hall and we will be there happily giving out some goodies! While your safety is our #1 priority, we will be following proper health and safety guidelines to make sure everyone is happy and…